Let God Drive By Pastor Shari Stephens 0

Often in life, we are so caught up in our daily routines that we forget who should be driving.  The scripture tells us that those that are in Christ have been bought with a price and we are not our own (Gal. 6:19-20). So, since we have been purchased by God, shouldn’t we be focused on his intentions and not our own?

Can you imagine how you would feel if you bought a new car and it insisted on driving wherever it wanted to go?  You get in it headed to work, and it drives you to the mall.  Or you decide to go to the barber shop and end up at a hospital. You would quickly return that car because it had a mind of its own.  Like the famous car “Christine” in the Stephen King Novel.  That wouldn’t work for any of us because we purchased that car to do the things, we wanted it to do.

Well, God has also purchased us with the precious blood of His Son Jesus Christ.  He has intentions on where He wants to go and what He wants to do through us!

Genesis 28:15 is a wonderful passage. It says,

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”

Jacob was on the run and had this lovely dream hearing these words from God.  God had a plan for him.  God was promising to make it all happen in his life.  All Jacob had to do was trust God to do it.

Philippians 1:6 says similarly,

“being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

The one who has purchased us has Good intentions for all of us and He promises to finish the work He has started in us.  We just must remember that and allow Him to drive.

We all love the song “Jesus take the wheel” because it speaks of God helping in a natural situation when we can help ourselves. Today, God is asking to take the spiritual wheel in your lives and He promises to get you right where you need to be.  Trust him today and let Him direct your steps.



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