Why I Believe Pt 1 By Pastor Shari Stephens 0

I am going to attempt to share some of the memorable, undeniable, experiences with God I have had throughout my life.  This no way approaches the countless moments of His divine presence but is a meager attempt of those moments that, for me remind me of his goodness, omniscience, favor, mercy, omnipotence and foreknowledge.  Those elements will be the guidelines for what is included.  Things that only He could do.  Things that only He could know.  Thing that are not coincidence but in fact the movement of God in my life.  This are a summary of my experiences; these are my testimonies. Some have more detailed descriptions in the Hall of Faith.


  1. The miracle of salvation. He changed my heart, my life, my nature and my character. He answered a longing in my heart that I didn’t put there. (Salvation)
  2. He told me to go across the country to a state I had never been to, to a school my parents wouldn’t financially support. He told me not to work that summer to save up, yet he miraculously paid all my bills for college, got me a single room, a car, a job with a great family and met all my needs by faith. (Divine Provision)
  3. By faith, when returning to college the second year, He again told me not to work but to do ministry. This time I had all the bills of the new year plus a bit of debt from the previous year.  The debt was eliminated, and I had all my needs met by faith. (Divine Provision)
  4. A friend called me with a word that, “God said he was pleased with me and that I could ask whatever I will.” At the time of his call, I happened to be receiving a donated wedding gown for a member of the church I worked for.  When I had a moment, I went to pray, because I didn’t know what to ask God for.  After praying in the spirit, what came out of my mouth was, “Lord, make me a bride” this was contrary to what I thought I wanted at the time.  The call was from my future husband and the wedding dress was the one I eventually wore when marrying him months later.  It was the wrong size for who it was intended for but fit me perfectly. It was exactly what I would have wanted but couldn’t afford.  (Divine Appointment, Purpose and Favor)
  5. The Lord gave me a word for a friend that confused me because, it was about a future marital provision for him, even though I didn’t understand why he would need it. He was at the alter agreeing to do the will of God for his life.  After he left, I shared the word with him about a future wife God had provided, that would help him fulfill God’s will. A year later, God fulfilled the word to him by making me his wife. (Divine Appointment and Purpose)
  6. I rarely received phone calls. I had given out two prophetic words to two separate girl friends that both called within one hour of each other confirming that what I told them had just come true. The moment the last one hung up, God spoke to me and said, “just like those words came true, everything I promised you will also come to pass.”  God had promised to make me a bride even though I was praying to remain single.  The next call I received was from a friend who was planning on going to an event that evening, he saved me a seat and the moment I got there I felt God’s presence, we sat, talked, and laughed.  He later became my husband. (Divine Appointment and Purpose)
  7. Pastor Kevin was told adamantly by God to go pay his tithes on a very small check. It was a Monday and the church was usually closed.  He didn’t understand the urgency because he needed to get on the road for work, but God continued to insist. When he got there, someone was at the church.  As he was driving towards the ATM to get the tithe, his steering wheel spun freely and was no longer in control of the car.  A bolt had come loose unbeknownst to him.  Had he got on the road, in the stormy weather, he surely would have an accident and probably died. (Divine Intervention and Protection)
  8. The Lord spoke to both of us about doing more ministry, even though we were saturated in ministry. I felt compelled to leave my position as Executive Direct of a large ministry. We did need both incomes, but I obeyed.  God spoke to us on January 3, 2008 about starting Pocket Parables and as we were hearing from God the phone began to ring.  We continued to pray and talk, but once we finished, again the phone rang again.  It was a call from someone asking me about a job offer, even though it wasn’t public knowledge that I had left my position.  I interviewed 2 days later and got the job that very day.  It was one block from my husband’s job in Detroit, which allowed us to commute together 45 minutes daily, continuing to hear direction about Pocket Parables.  God also met our financial needs. (Divine Direction and Provision)
  9. While praying, before getting out of bed, the Lord rebuked us about being slothful of starting Pocket Parables, a few months in. It seemed daunting and something we were unskilled to do, so we had been dragging our feet.  He said, that if we had worked for anyone else we would have been fired by now, so we both repented immediately.  That afternoon we received a $3K check and we bought our first camera, sound and light kit with God’s provision. (Divine Provision and Direction)
  10. There was a former actor from my drama ministry that attended a new church that we felt compelled by God to get in touch with. We hadn’t seen him for years. As we were speaking about him and wondering how we could do that, we stopped at the light and looked across and he was there, next to us. (Divine Appointment)
  11. God gave us several short stories to begin Pocket Parables. One story involved a specific person Pastor Kevin saw playing the role. The Lord really put him on Kevin’s heart, but he could never catch up to him to commit. As we were filming, and the scene was beginning that the actor was needed in, he drove by.  He barreled off the street, into the lot, even though he didn’t know that was the day we were filming or the project we needed him for.  He jumped out of his car and said “Kevin what do you need me to do,” as his truck was in neutral rolling away.  He showed up exactly on time for the scene God showed him in. (Ordered Steps and Divine Purpose)
  12. God had given me a story that took place in a beautiful log cabin. I had planned when we were filming, but no one I knew had a nice enough cabin to work for the set.  The Lord told me to make calls about it and I did.  I was really discouraged because I didn’t see how we would find what we needed.  My last call was to a log cabin manufacturer who said he had a builder in the state who might have something I could use, but I would need to call him directly to see.  By then, I was so discouraged, I didn’t even bother. The next morning, I had an email from the builder, I didn’t call, saying he had booked us the use of a cabin to film in.  I had not given the manufacturer my email, but he reached out an made all the arrangements for me!! The builder had asked his paying renters to clean up the cabin for our use while they were out hunting.  They allowed us to film there, for free, for two weekends, moving the renters out of the way! (Divine Favor and Provision)
  13. Pastor Kevin didn’t know that the company he worked for was taken over by a new company. He was told that he would be no longer needed. Two days later he was called by the new company and asked to come work in the new division for the region. He accepted the position, as was asked to be on a conference with the old company. The old company employees ended up reporting to him. (Divine Favor and Provision)

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