The Bible is clear that the believer MUST live by faith.
“’But my righteous one will live by faith. And I take no pleasure in the one who shrinks back.’” Hebrews 10:38
This is the standard for our lives. Unfortunately, many of us struggle trying to live with unknown factors in our lives. That is the Faith part. It will always be with you and will only serve to make you a better believer. Faith adds benefits to your reward when you finally go home to be with the Lord.
So, in the meantime, how do you ease into a lifestyle of faith? In my “Control Freak” series, I talk about finding comfort and direction in simply being obedient. This lesson is the next step and builds on that. “stop worrying over what you don’t see and focus on what you do see”.
Consider your life of faith as a math equation. This plus that, plus X equals your next step. Walking by faith means you are always going to be solving for “x”. But that is exactly the issue. Nowhere does the bible tell YOU to solve for “x”. It says, “walk by faith”, not “walk by faith and figure out how God is going to fix it for you”.
Our human nature is always solving for “x” which means we fail to focus on what is right in front of us. What do you see now? What has God already revealed?
For example, maybe God told you to go on a mission’s trip, to Honduras, in the summer, with your church group. Everything is in place except the money! No doubt, you would spend the whole of your time focused on the lack of money, praying, worried, troubled, fearful about where it is coming from. This is not faith.
Faith says, focus on what you do see and trust God to bring to past what you can’t. Instead, learn about the country you are heading to, study the culture, and focus on the people. Share expectations and get trained from your church group. Plan out what you are taking. Pray over the impact you expect God to have through your ministry. Believe that because He has put everything else in place, He will direct, send, generate or tell you where your money is, when you need it.
God’s roll is always to solve for “x,” not ours. Stop trying to do the thing that is contrary to what true faith really means. Focus on what God has revealed. What He has already done or what He is in the process of doing for you. I promise you will realize you are in the midst of a glorious testimony!!!