God wants us to be in continuous communication with Him! Here is a little proof:
The Bible tells us to “Pray without ceasing” (I Thess. 5:17).
Philippians 4:6 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
Ephesians 6:18 says, “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests…”
These scriptures paint a very clear picture of what is desired, required and expected from our lives. God wants us praying about everything, all the time. Many may find this challenging to say the least because you truly do not understand how to pray.
In its simplest form, Prayer is communication with God. God wants His children in constant communication with Him. Constant. Many might feel that this isn’t practical because you couldn’t get any work done so you look at these verses as symbolic and not literal. But I would ask you a question, don’t you think that as Jesus walked this earth He was in constant communication with God the Father? The answer is “Yes”! Even as He was dying on that cross and cried out, “My God May God, why has though forsaken me,” “Father forgive them,” and “into thy hands I commit my spirit,” He was praying to the Father.
If you assume that the only way to pray is to; kneel by the alter or bedside, pray in corporate prayer at church, or to sneak into your prayer closet, you are going to have a very hard time letting these scriptures be true in your lives.
If He said it; then He wants it, continuous communion with the father, us coming boldly to his throne to find the help we need.
Communication is defined as “a process by which information is exchanged between individuals”. This is what prayer is. Our exchanging information with God. Our sharing and Him sharing. Our talking and Him talking. Our listening and Him listening. It is communing, it is fellowshipping, it is talking, it is sharing, it is dwelling, and it is abiding… together.
The easiest way to begin learning how to pray continuously is by becoming aware of God as much as He is aware of you. Though you are not always aware of Him, He is always aware of you. The scripture says in Psalm 46:1,
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”
Start thinking about Him throughout your day. A simple “thank you Lord” is a great start. Thanks for the weather, thanks for your transportation, thanks for your job, your home, your co-workers, your family, on, and on and on. Start small by making yourself aware of Him and thankful for Him all day long, then go from there.
With modern technology, you can also set small reminders throughout your day to stop and thank Him.
Prayer doesn’t always have to be formal. It is communication at its core, so communicate with God. Just stop your day and say “something” to Him but don’t forget to leave time to “hear something” back.
Many of you have never heard from God because you have never given Him place and expected to hear from Him. He is real, He loves you and He wants to communicate with you.
Your prayer life can be as simple or as dynamic as you want. Take some time today and begin your journey to continuous communication with God.