What Role Are You Playing? Pt.3 By Pastor Shari Stephens 0

We should now be able to see that the point of view in a story is vital to really getting a better understanding on what is going on in life.

As we discussed previously, different people in the story will see things differently but understanding God’s POV is vital.  His thoughts aren’t our thoughts and His ways aren’t our ways, but we are always guaranteed that He will be working things out on our behalf.

So the next question that is important to understand is, “what role are you playing in the story”?

Most of us look at life from our POV.  It’s natural, you see your lives through your own eyes and experiences. But what if I told you your life isn’t about you. Think about this, Jesus, in the garden prayed, “not my will by thy will be done”.  His life wasn’t about him, it was about what God willed, what God wanted.  He came to do the will of the Father and therefore what was important to Christ was God’s point of view.

Likewise, your life is not about you, your thoughts or your plans.  It should be about God, His thoughts and His plans.  Therefore, its about His point of view.  This is the only view that should matter in your life.  We tend to think very limited, hopeless, doubt filled thoughts about ourselves and our circumstances but that’s not how God’s thinks.

From God’s POV you are blessed.

From God’s POV you are healed.

From God’s POV you are His Child.

From God’s POV you are favored.

These are just a few generic thoughts God has about all His children, but the list goes on and on.  The beauty of thinking about your life from God’s point of view is that you will begin to see that valley moments are necessary to build your patience.  That struggles are necessary so that you can learn dependence on God.  That trials of your faith are worth more than precious gold, in God’s sight.  There are many things that we learn once we realize whose point of view really matters and what role we are playing in the story.


Help us to begin to see our lives and circumstances from your point of view.  Help us to see the bigger picture and learn to trust in your will and in your way.  Thanks for such grace.

In Jesus Name,


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