“Faith always pre-supposes revelation” (W. H. Griffith Thomas).
“Faith is always a response to a divine revelation” (W. H. Griffith Thomas).
“Faith . . . both in its initiation and every step of the way, is Spirit given . . . faith is God given” (W. Hendriksen).
“Faith precedes works, and is not something merely deduced by reason of existing” (D. Edmond Hiebert)
“Faith is always a gift of God” (L. Morris).
“The basis of faith is God’s revelation of Himself . . . Christianity came to be seen as a faith event” (O. Michel, Dictionary of New Testament Theology).
“Faith is the divine response, wrought in man, by God” (from Berkof’s Systematic Theology, representing the views of Barth and Brunner).
“Faith always has the element of assurance, certainty and confidence . . . and evidential value substantiating the thing we hope for . . . with faith, there is no strain or tension; rather, it has the element of assurance and confidence in it . . . if there is strain or tension . . . trying to persuade yourself to keep from doubting, you can be quite sure that it is not faith . . . faith is not the law of mathematical probability, . . . faith is not natural . . .faith is spiritual, the gift of God . . . you cannot command faith at will, faith is always something that is given-inwrought by God; . . . therefore, if you want to be a man of faith, it will always be the result of becoming a certain type of person” (M. Lloyd Jones, Ro 4:18-25).
“Faith is the divinely given conviction of things unseen” (Homer Kent Jr.).
“Faith is the organ which enables people to see the invisible order” (F. F. Bruce).
“Faith is knowing what is His will toward us; therefore, we hold faith to be the knowledge of God’s will toward us” (John Calvin).
“Right faith is a thing wrought in us by the Holy Spirit” (Wm. Tyndale).
“We have made faith a condition of mind, when it is a divinely imparted grace of the heart . . . we can receive faith only as he gives it . . . you cannot manufacture faith, you cannot work it up . . . you can believe a promise, and at the same time not have the faith to appropriate it . . . genuine, Scriptural faith is not our ability to ‘count it done,’ but is the deep consciousness divinely imparted to the heart of man that it is done, . . . it is the faith that only God can give . . . do not struggle in the power of the will . . . what a mistake to take our belief in God and call of faith . . . Christ, the living word, is our sufficiency . . . (Charles Price, The Real Faith, Logos/publications).