Death Defeated Pt. 1 by Pastor Sue Hampton 0

Jesus Is Our Example

The Lord came to example how we are suppose to live in this body of flesh. He lived in one body while He was here. He lived that life as an example for us to follow. He came to prepare a people who would become His future body. He would then go to Heaven, and return in Spirit to inhabit many bodies, through His church.

The Church would become the Body of Christ. He would continue His ministry on earth through us.

Paul was referring to himself when he said,  “Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ.

Whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensation of God, which is given to me for you, to fulfil the Word of God.

Even the mystery which has been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to His saints:

To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; Which is…CHRIST IN YOU, THE HOPE OF GLORY. Col.1:24-27

There are many other verses that confirm that Christ’s plan is to continue to live His life and purpose through us. But, what does that mean? What does He want to do?

The following Scriptures were mysterious, and many found His Words difficult to hear, and impossible to understand:

Christ Jesus spoke these words before Believers and Non-Believers, everyone had the same opportunity to hear, but only those who had a heart to hear would seek to understand.

Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believes on me has everlasting life.

I Am The Bread Of Life.

Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead.

This is the bread which comes down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, AND NOT DIE.

I am The Living Bread which comes down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is My flesh, which I give for the life of the world.   Jn. 6:48-51

Eternal Death Defeated By The Blood Of Christ

This portion of Scripture is referring to the fact that the life of Christ inside of us provides the ability to defeat death through the mercy of His Blood.

Once we accept Christ, we become eternal souls that live far beyond the body we are now encased in. We will live forever! We are an eternal spirit.

This part is easily understood, His Blood bought our redemption from eternal death. His entire life was to protect the purity of His sinless Blood.

Blood of man contains the sins of his father. For that reason, Christ could not have an earthly father. Father God provided the perfect, sinless Blood that filled the veins of His Son.

The Lord Jesus had to live a life free of any sin to maintain a Blood so pure that it could be offered to pay for our sins. But His Blood can also defeat death in our current life, here on earth too.

Defeat Death By Extending Our Lifeline: Repentance

We can extend our life by repenting, or shorten it by continuing to sin, without repentance. This Life of Christ, inside of us, also applies to extending our life here on earth, through the application of His Blood. Each time we sin we apply the blood of Christ by confessing our sin, and letting His mercy wash it away.

Imagine your life, beginning only at the moment you began it anew in Christ. Let’s say that you have 70 more years appointed for you to live.

Then you sin several times, and don’t’ repent. That lifeline may shorten to only 60 years. Then you realize your sin, and take it to the Lord in repentance. He extends your lifeline back to 70 years.

This process continues throughout our lives, we extend and shorten our lifeline continually.

It matters more that we are good Repenters than that we are still bad Sinners. We can’t stop being sinners until we’re free of this carnal flesh, but we can defeat death by quickly and sincerely repenting of every sin.

Death Defeated By Forgiving Others

There is another way to extend our life on earth too. As we choose to forgive others, we apply the Blood of Christ again to our own lifeline.

There are two levels of forgiveness. When we accept Christ into our lives, His Blood forgives all of our sin toward Him. But there is still the dealings with other people here on earth. That level of sin can lengthen or shorten our lives in this body.

That second type of forgiveness is ours to choose. If we don’t forgive others, it doesn’t change our eternal destiny, but it does shorten our life here on earth. It also blocks our communication and relationship with God.

For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:

But if you forgive not men their  trespasses, neither will your Gather forgive your trespasses. Mt.6:14-15

It always shocks me to meet Christians who will not forgive someone who has offended them. They don’t realize that they are blocking God from their own lives. Forgiveness is a powerful thing! And the Lord gave us that power to forgive others. But the secret is that, when we do, we are the ones who find the rewards of His sweet presence filling our heart again.

Bitterness is a hard pill to swallow and is full of deadly poison. But the cure is simple, and we already possess it. We can apply the Blood of Christ to others and extend our own life as we do.

Beyond the motive of self-preservation is the greater purpose of allowing Christ to live through us, to reach others. He wants to walk in love and mercy…through us.

The hope of Glory is Christ in you!

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