This is the well-known prophetical writing in the New Testament, the Revelation (or Apocalypse, the unveiling) of Jesus Christ. Like the prophecy of Daniel in the Old Testament, this book deals, for the most part, with the judgments of God in the last days upon “those that dwell upon the earth.” In Revelation, the climax of redemption is portrayed. The earlier word of Paul, that God’s purpose was “to sum up all things in Christ” asv), is realized as John writes, “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever”.
The book of Revelation addressed seven churches in Asia Minor (Turkey today). It encourages believers who are experiencing persecution. Revelation illustrates that God is in control and that all people were created to love and worship God.
Who: John
What: Letter to Seven Churches
Where: Island of Patmos
When: ad 96 or c. ad 69
Why: To give hope to persecuted Christians and provide a vision of Christ’s return.
Outline (Chapter)
The Seven Churches (1 -4)•
Visions (5-16)•
God’s Triumph (17-20)•
The New Creation (21-22)
Key Verse:
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.
(Revelation 21:1)