Old Testament Survey: II Chronicles 0


Who: Ezra
What: Highlights Kings of Judah
Where: Judah
When: 450 BC-425 bc
Why: To show the benefits that
come from obedience.

I. Solomon 1-9

Commencement of Reign 1
The Temple 2-7
Other Achievements 8-9
II. Rehoboam to Ahaz 10-28

Rehoboam 10-12
Abijah 13
Asa 14-16
Jehoshaphat 17-20
Jehoram 21
Ahaziah 22
Joash 23-24
Amaziah 25
Uzziah 26
Jotham 27
Ahaz 28
III. Hezekiah to Judah’s End 29-36

Hezekiah 29-32
Manasseh 33
Josiah 34-35
Judah’s End 36

Key Verse:
As for us, the lord is our
God. and we have not forsaken him. (2Chronictes13:10)

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